Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My opinion is more correct than yours.

Pigs can fly. Fish can talk. Pumpkins turn into horse drawn carriages. Unicorns blaze a trail through a valley of the undead. Harry Thompson is finally getting paid. Maybe it's because I put my faith in the Lord.

Then the LORD your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The LORD will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your fathers. -Deuteronomy 30:9

Yes, It's true. I will eat again. There are times of plenty before me. Will they last? Probably not, but who's paying attention anyhow?

Had a good weekend in L.A. Caught up with some family and friends living in the area. Had a brief conversation with a female porn star before she proceeded to really lay some game on Kate. "I really like your Aura. Your hair, it's just so natural. You're such a little school girl. I love it." Kate thinks her boobs were fake. I don't.

Saw Watchmen. Didn't hate it. Didn't love it. Movie felt pretty plastic at times, a little forced, and some of the CGI, especially Doc Manhattans stiff facial features irked me. I was having Final Fantasy: Spirits Within flashbacks all over the place.

Silk Spectre II Actress, Malin Akerman was also a bit of a lame duck. She's got the right bod but, man, her acting, especially while on Mars, just hurt a little bit. I was "eh" about the soundtrack. I love every single one of those songs, but sometimes I thought it was a little too...i dunno...in your face and occasionally discordant with the tone of the film. Trailers did a better job.

I've been reading around the message boards and reviews and it seems that the opening credits have, universally, received high acclaim, which I'm down with. The movie also had some awesome moments. Traveling through Doc Manhattan's past was pretty great and his one moment of freak out in front of the camera was maybe my favorite part of the movie. Though it left me wanting a more emotional Doc M. The few scenes in Vietnam really hit me hard (in a good way). I love the whole alternate history but that's more of a credit to Alan Moore than anything else.

Here's the deal. The movie was screwed to begin with. There was just no way that everyone could be happy, especially me. I mean, honestly, I wasn't drooling all over the graphic novel when I read it, so there's no way that a direct translation to the big screen was gonna honk my horn. (I think that Alan Moore is wrong...in general. He's the voice of a time and nature that I just don't think is going anywhere, but who am I. Also he may be a proponent of fear mongering...anybody, anybody?) The thing is after seeing the movie I actually have a greater appreciation for the parts of the novel that I originally thought were interesting and some that I didn't...so that's good.

In the end all it really comes down to, and this I think stands true for any movie, is "what about that movie will stay with me?" The movie glances on some really memorable/remarkable moments but in the end, I'm not sure it will stay with me, because I'll just be thinking of the novel.

Anyways Batman was way better.

Yes, I did photoshop the above image. Yes, I'm a tool bag.

On a separate and final note, Ben Smith connected me to this website: www.garfieldminusgarfield.net.

It's pretty great and pretty much like my life right now. I think I'm gonna start my own pet project where I superimpose myself where Jon Arbuckle aught to be. The website will be garfieldminusgarfieldminusjonplusharry.net

While you impatiently wait for me to write another entry check out these sweet Emilio Estevez yokes: here


1 comment:

Kristin said...

your left arm looks huge in that first garfield picture.