Thursday, October 29, 2009

Eight Arms

Ignoring something so trivial as THE PAST may seem like an easy thing for most, but it's strange, I still have a hard time letting bygones be bygones. No matter what I do THE PAST still manages to snake its way into both THE PRESENT and THE FUTURE. For instance, I intended to write this entry without mentioning that my last entry was... A MILLION YEARS AGO, but there it is. So what does this mean? In order to answer this riddle let me introduce you to JON. Say "hello" JON.

JON: Hello, JON.

JON is an ALIENFROMOUTERSPACE, but he isn't quite as idiotic as this introduction implies. He is only joking.

JON, why make a joke that only you, and frankly, I, would find...well, funny isn't the word, unless funny = obnoxious? Which it does...

JON: I'm sorry.

It's OK, JON. Anyways, I've brought JON here to illustrate a point about my absence. JON, will you help me out?

JON: I'm sorry.

I told you, it's ok. Can we get past that now?

JON: Kanye West for President!

Yes, yes, Kanye's depraved short film directed by Spike Jonze was both awesome, retarded, and conveniently timed near other awesome and retarded Kanye related events, but really let us get back to the issue at hand.

JON: Harry, nobody gives a shit about your PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE
existential bullshit. And even if they did, nothing has changed.
You're still in the exact same position you were in when you wrote
that previous entry... A MILLION YEARS AGO,
-minus the brief illusion of-

Thank you JON for making my point beautifully.

JON has EIGHT ARMS, and finds swimming pools fascinating. He's available for office hours eight days a week.